We are a committee of volunteers supporting Tall Pines State Preserve located in Gloucester County, New Jersey, USA. Our activities include:
Monthly Meeting: Tuesday, May 14 at 7:00 PM in the Jack C. Sheppard, Sr. Community Center (historic train station), 2 North East Ave., Wenonah, NJ.
National Trails Day - Guided Nature Walk: Saturday, June 1st at 10:00 AM. Join the Friends of Tall Pines State Preserve on a guided nature walk as we celebrate National Trails Day and mark Tall Pines' 8th anniversary. On this leisurely walk through the meadows and woodlands of Tall Pines, Friends members will point out the native birds, wildflowers and insect pollinators found at Tall Pines. We will also be visiting the Tall Pines Pollinator Garden. After the walk, light refreshments will be served. The rain date is Sunday, June 2nd.
South Jersey Firefly Festival 2024: Saturday, June 29th, from 8 PM to 10 PM. The park is normally closed after dark, but tonight you can see "nature's light show" along with fun, educational activities. A half-mile self-guided trail with fun, family-friendly education stations will be marked out. Free, but pre-registration is requested. See the full event description for more details. Rain date: Sunday, June 30th at the same time. No dogs are allowed at this event.