Bird Homes For Rent!
20, MarIn cooperation with the New Jersey Bluebird Society, we recently installed three additional wooden bluebird houses including the one shown here. The three houses we installed last year were quite successful: 16 young bluebirds were fledged from four nests. We're hoping for more colorful tenants this year.
Like any good landlord, the Friends group wants to check in on our "properties" and make sure the tenants are getting along OK. We are looking for volunteers to help monitor the boxes periodically during the breeding season (April through August). No experience is necessary. Please contact us for more information.
We also installed a set of 12 gourd-shaped purple martin houses on a pole near the parking lot. These chatty, colonial birds want open space near people and water, but also need to be safely above predators like cats and raccoons. Fortunately Tall Pines offers just such an environment where these birds should thrive. We'll be listening and watching for them this summer.